
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Maybe I'm over you. Maybe I've moved on. Maybe I like someone else.
But maybe, I'm just a really good liar.
Silence is the most powerful scream.
I just get tired of this place,
I get tired of these people.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mengalah Demi Kebaikan??

"Mengapa selalu aku yang mengalah
tak pernah kah kau berpikir sedikit tentang hatiku"

Macam lirik lagu Seventeen "SELALU MENGALAH"
Itulah yg selalu berlaku kat aku, selalunya memang aku yg mengalah
Malas nak panjang2kan cerita..
kadang2 aku tertanya tanya KALAH ke aku
tp sebenarnya tidak
kita mengalah bukan bererti kita ni kalah
mungkin mengalah salah satu cara untuk kita selesaikan masalah..biar bukan salah kita
asalkan kita dpt selesaikan satu perkara. x seperti budak budak..

Percyalah TIDAK sedikit pun jatuh EGO seseorang itu andai dia mengalah.

Tuesday MorninG

Hello! :)

I have a new favorite saying..It is..
"Can a heart break once it stops bea
I think its sad,and beautiful..
And I like it..
I'm just deep like

I also have a new favorite song!

Its Tiny Heart by Flyleaf!!
I love the lyrics!
I think they're beautiful!

So yeah..

"Tiny heat,stuck inside yourself.
When will you open up for me?
I love you so.
I wanna met you
Before one of us must go.

Your lips touched every hand but mine.

In the shadows you slept fine.
When will you get back to me,so we can rest?

Tiny heart your not be yourself.
When will you recognize the beat?
Of my own heart,making your blood flow.

So that your chest can rise and fall.

Your lips touched every hand but mine.

In the shadows you slept fine.
When will you get back to me,so we can rest?

You will never know what you have done to
You will never know losing your love for me.
You will never know a single day alone.

Tiny heart,stuck inside yourself.
When will you open up?

Your lips touched every
hand but mine.
In the shadows you slept fine.

When will you get back to me,so we can rest?

When you choose me,I'm waiting for you.

Always waiting."
-Tiny Heart,Flyleaf-

See they are suck
moving lyrics..
I love them..


Saturday, November 12, 2011


Awk...da lame kita knl kan? Dan selama perkenalan kita tu kita dpt mengenali diri masing-masing dgn lebih mendalam...masa mula knl dgn awak, sy x terfikir pun awk akn slalu hadir dalam idup sy, mase kehilangan awk wt kali x kisah pun, dan awk lg mengisi episod dlm hidup terima awk..dan akhirnya stelah semakin lama mengenali awk , sy tlah membukakan pintu hati sy untuk awk, kerana masa itu awk baik sgt2, jujur sgt2 dan awk sendiri yg meyakinkan sy dgn kata2 awk. Namun sayang seribu kali sayang, awk hadir dlm hidup sy hanya sekadar mempergunakan sy...mungkin scara x langsung awk juga sbnrnya sdg mempermainkan hati, sy x salahkan awk kerna sy tahu itu kelemahan sy...dan yg paling malang, sy biarkan perasaan syg sy menguasai diri sy sendiri...sblum nie da bpe kali awk mengguris hati sy?? Ye, sy pernah katakan pada awk yg sy x terluka...mmg btol sy x pernah terluka,melukakan apatah lagi hati sy terguris, mungkin juga ego sy slame ini yg buatkan awk x mengerti hati ingat lg saat awk membuat sy benar2 terpukul dan sy hampir hilang keyakinan diri sendiri apabila awk bawa awek baru awk tuh dan sengaja nak tayang kt sy, mase tuh mmg sy senyum dgn awk tp hati sy...tuhan je yang tahu...ase mcm nk langgar je korang dengan bas kt terminal one tuh!! Tp, sy maafkan awk..kerna sy syg awk tp x cukop dengan tu, awk hadir lagi dlm hidup sy kini, dgn menceritakan masalah awk dgn si dia yg awk cintai 2. awk ingat sy ske sgt ke dgn citer awk?? Sy pun xtau apa niat awk citer sume yg pasti..ianya sekadar buat sy meluat jek!! Sy x minta awk pujuk or rayu sy cukoplah skadar awk ade rasa bersalah dlm diri awk...fikirlah sape yg beri harapan pd hubungan kita dulu...dan sape yg musnahkannya?? Mungkin awk rase sy merepek je, cuz awk sendri pernah ckp kt sy yg sy nie mentah lg dlm, xpela sy bkn nk raih simpati tp sy juz nk luahkan perasaan sy yng terpendam slame nie, sy rasa puas skrg, kerna sy rasa lepas sy luahkan semua nie awk boleh berfikir dgn lebih bijak...sama ada nk terus jd biskut dlm hidup sy, atau nk dgn sy lg dan sedia memberi komitmen or terus pergi dari hidup sy dan jgn dtg lg..ape pun keputusan awk, sy akur..dan sy doakan awk dpt apa yang awk inginkan dlm hidup nie. Gud luck!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Stop it Ina!!

Over thinking ruins u.
Ruins the situation,
Turns things around,
make u worry and just make thing worse than it actually is.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I Misssssss My OTP

omoooo T.T,,,, my heart can't take thiss TTTT___TTTT

Where I Stood

Lirik lagu ni sgt2 sesuai tuk awk...ngeeee :D

I don't know what I've done
Or if I like what I've begun
But something told me to run
And honey you know me it's all or none

There were sounds in my head
LIttle voices whispering
That I should go and this should end
Oh and I found myself listening

'Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should
'Cos she will love you more than I could
She who dares to stand where I stood

See I thought love was black and white
That it was wrong or it was right
But you ain't leaving without a fight
And I think I am just as torn inside

'Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should
'Cos she will love you more than I could
She who dares to stand where I stood

And I won't be far from where you are if ever you should call
You meant more to me than anyone I ever loved at all
But you taught me how to trust myself and so I say to you
This is what I have to do

'Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should
'Cos she will love you more than I could
She who dares to stand where I stood
Oh, she who dares to stand where I stood


Yeahhhhh!!! setelah setahun aku lupa kewujudan blog ni. Akhirnye jumpe balik. Password pon da tukar untuk senang di ingati.. Beselah kan faktor usia, makin hari makin tua n makin nyanyuk ngeee :DOkeyh..memandangkan blog ni dah wujud kembali, maka bermulalah sesi mengumpat, curhat dan sesi2 yg seangkatan dengannya. hehehehehehekkkk